Childhood Stories

I have a variety of childhood stories to tell some, most fun or funny. My Most favorite is when we went to Monterey for my 8th grade promotion. We had taken three of my cousins and my brother to the aquarium. We saw all kinds of fish and animals there including otters and penguins, we got to pet stingrays and found funny looking starfish. It was supposed to be a one day trip but we ended up staying the night at a hotel, we got Mediterranean food for dinner and watched a movie. The Next day we went to visit a cafe famous for their cakes. We each got a meal and a big slice of cake. After we drove and went on a tour of sorts and saw beached and different kinds of land they had. It was also majestic looking.

I remember this one time we had season passes for six flags and we went on various trips with my family and cousins to six flags. There was this one time where we went to Southern California to visit family, but we took my same three cousins with us. We drove for six hours in the heat, which was my least favorite part of all. The next day we went to Six Flags and went on various rides and ate a bunch of food. The next day we went to the Six Flags water park where they had ginormous water slides. But since I have a fear of heights I stuck to the wave pool and lazy river with my younger cousin. The day after we went to Starbucks and I got a Cloud Macchiato. Needless to say it was the funnest trip I remember. We would also get to fright fest during Halloween to Six Flags, we got passesfor Haunted Houses for my older brother and cousins, I was too scared to go though so I stuck with my younger cousins and mom. I remember my older brother and cousins went into this one house where my brother ended up scaring one of the scare actors instead of scaring him, my oldest cousin didn’t want to go with them so he stayed by the exit waiting for them to come out.

My mom was always taking me, my brother and our three cousins to go do fun stuff. We went to the arcade and laser tag a bunch of times growing up. It was always my younger cousin and I vs the older ones. Then after we’d either hit the arcade or go bowling. We’d also go to this pizza/arcade place called John's Incredible Pizza. It had an assortment of pizza including peanut butter pizza, with tomato sauce, and cheese. They also have an assortment of drinks including ice ee's. It was essentially a junk food dream of a child. In the back of the buffet there was an arcade that included laser tag and rides. They had this ride where it took you up into the air and spun you around. I must have taken the ride around six times because it was so fun.They also had this ginormous claw machine with supersized stuffed animals. My mom loves claw machines so she won a total of six times and we got a lot of stuffed animals out of it.

My mom bakes really well and one time in fourth grade she brought me some cupcakes to share with my class. She made them from scratch and called them Unicorn Poop cupcakes because the frosting and cupcake bread were various pastel colors. Not only that, they were really good and everyone loved them. For the following years my classmates from that class would reminisce of them and ask when she was bringing them again. Everyone would ask me if she was going to bake something again, but it was a lot of work and she didn’t want to do it again. She said it was really hard because it was hot and the buttercream kept on melting so they were dripping all over the place.