
Over the years I’ve collected various amounts of hobbies, most of them I don’t really do anymore. As a child I was really creative and would learn how to do an amount of arts and crafts. Although these phases did last long, I enjoyed them for what they were, I would take the chance to learn them again.

When I was in elementary school I learned how to make accessories. My grandma taught me how to knit and I made a headband for my baby cousins. I also learn how to make square pattern bracelets, as well as how to use beads to make an alligator. In middle school I learned how to draw and I’ve collected various art supplies. I have copic markers, blending pencils, paints, brushes, colored duct tape, a printer, drawing books, drawing paper, coals and leads, ink and calligraphy tips/ pens. I did a lot of graphic art and anime art during my youth all of which I was self taught, I commissioned at one point, but stopped. I once did a huge portrait of my cousin's favorite character for his 21st birthday. I also paint, but I’m more on the abstract side. I enjoy pouring paint more than splatter. It just feels more organic to me. I have also learned how to do acrylic nails, though I’m not very good at it. I also learned how to make stickers out of clear tape and paper.

When I was younger one of my hobbies was doing hair. I learned how to do hair for my younger sister. I would always do her after she showered, I would detangle and brush it and then do some sort of hairstyle on her. I also did my cousin's hair as well. In my freshman year I did photography for a while. It kind of sucked though because my teacher had us learn how to use a film camera and process it, as well as a digital camera. We first had to load the canister into the camera which was done in the dark because any exposed light would mess up the film. After taking a picture we would then have to take the canister out and process the film. Which was done in a black bag with scissors and a container made for film. There was also this wheel type of thing where we had to spin the film around it, as well as in the dark. We then loaded the film in the container and went through three types of chemicals and then gave it a water wash. After that we loaded it into a dryer. To process a photo we went into the darkroom with our file, chose a photo and used a projecting device to imprint a photo onto our photo paper. It then went through a chemical wash and water washed and then through a hot photo press to dry it. This was my least favorite thing to do.

One of my more recent hobbies is make-up. I started doing simple makeup my freshman year and after my quince during my sophomore year I did more glam looks. At first I didn’t use any face products except for eyeshadows, eyeliner, mascara, and lip products. But I use foundation and concealer now. I can joyfully say I have gotten significantly better than when I first started. My makeup definitely looks better than it did before.