
Goals are our lifelong objectives we try to achieve during our life. Sometimes as we grow older they can change and become more. That was the case for me. At first I had many goals that I wanted to achieve but as I got older they slowly started to decrease and now my main goal is to make it through highschool.

I feel like in our youth we have more stamina and patience to achieve our goals. When I was young I had a big dream and wanted to accomplish so many different things like getting good grades or living a better lifestyle or getting a job. I had so many aspirations and they slowly start to fizzle out as you get older. I feel as we get older things slowly start getting slower and life goes by in the blink of an eye. We wish to hold onto our energy that we had as a child, our determination, however it steadily starts to diminish with age. I don’t have the energy to dream big dreams or complete the goals I had when I was younger. Currently my only goal is graduating highschool but who knows maybe it’ll change with time. But I do know that after high school I want to work to become a Child Attorney. I know I'll have to be in college for a few years and take many classes in order to reach that goal but after highschool I think I’ll start to gain more determination but as for right now I have a very low energy span which is why I’m glad we're going on break.

As for my current goals I know I’’l have to continue to work hard in order to achieve them, so I’ll try my best in my last years of high school. I feel as if this year has been going by so fast and in no time I’ll have completed my goal of graduating. Since freshman year all I thought about was completing my credits for highschool and seeing what classes would look good on my college application. But since then I have decided to go to a community college since some offer the first 2 years of college free, then I’ll just have to get a job to pay for my books. I feel as if in my junior and senior year I'll think about college since we all want to get into a good college, but I'm not aiming for anything high or an ivy league school or anything, all I care about is that I get my degree(s). Other than that nothing else matters. I’m not materialistic or anything , all I want to do is go to college, but I’m so good as to get a scholarship or anything. But first I just need to complete high school, that’s all I’m worried about as of right now.

To define a goal is something that you wish to achieve and we all have them. Some people have more challenging goals than others but if you work hard you’ll make it. All people need to do is to put more work into themselves, they need to give themselves a chance, I see younger students and I see that they don't try in their classes and it makes me sad to think they aren’t giving themselves the chance to see what they can accomplish with hard work. You will see results if you continue to work hard.