
In our lives we face many obstacles to come over whether it is something personal or something less personal, like a project or a test. When I was young the biggest challenge I faced was not being on the same level as the other kids, I was one of those kids that was sent to a learning center often, that is not a bad thing per say but it meant I wasn’t on the same learning level as the other students. Since I was little I have always been a late blower, for a period of time my mom thought I was deaf or mute because I didn’t pick up on the same cues that children normally did, I also didn’t start speaking until I was around 2-3 years old. Not only that but spanish is my first language and I had to go to English learning classes through elementary school even though I spoke english as well as the other kids.

Through middle school my biggest challenge was going through the covid pandemic. Although classes weren’t as challenging it was hard to keep in contact with my friends. I didn’t even get to walk the stage during my 8th grade promotion although we did get a drive by promotion in its stead it wasn’t the same. In my sophomore year of highschool my biggest challenge was studying for the Ap world History exam, it's a three essay exam with 55 multiple choice questions after the writing section. Not only that but its times as well. I was nervous at first but in the end I ended up getting a 4 out of 5 as a score. Another bump on the road was getting the news that we needed to move out of the house we were living in in Elk Grove because the couple we were renting from was getting a divorce. It was hard because we were still trying to recover financially from my Quincenera, not only that but it took almost the whole summer break to move into our new house here in Natomas. Our house in elk grove was significantly bigger than the one we live in right now, so we had way more stuff than what could fit in that house, so we ended up taking 20 trips to the dump and donated a lot of clothes that we didn’t have room for. Long story short it was a physically straining move here to Natomas. But our neighborhood is really quiet and peaceful. I feel very tranquil in our new houses.

My current struggle right now is about our finals. I am worried about both of my Wednesday finals because those two are the hardest classest I have and both teachers don’t really teach us very well. So I’m kind of worried about the scores I'm going to get in those classes, not only that but those two classes are in which my grade is lowest, not a bad kind of low but as an A student they’re low for me.