
When I was younger I struggled a lot at first but then I started to work harder around 3rd grade and I saw promise within myself. I was In the National Honor society in Elementary and was gifted with a certificate that proved I had worked hard in my subjects. I was also a consecutive Golden Honor Roll recipient all throughout my elementary. We also had this fitness program at my school in which an instructor came and we would do a variety of outdoor activities, in which I won many medals and certificates. Although I was proud of these awards they didn’t really define me, I feel like if everybody worked hard on their grades we would all receive awards.

During Middle School I spent most of my time in quarantine and online school because of covid. Because I kept up my grades I was allowed to be a T.A., even though there was really no need for them. During my drive by promotion ceremony they gave us each a packet in which we held our certificates and any other awards we had won during the school year. The one I was most proud of was my Presidential Award that I got, it included a certificate and a note “written” by the President, who was Joe Biden at the time.

During my freshman and sophomore year I received an award by means of food. We had something at my old school in Elk Grove, which was called the Renaissance. We received 2 hot dogs, a bag of chips, and a drink of our choice. This was awarded to people who manited a 3.55 to 4.0 GPA for the school year. I was alway looking forward to these because the lunch at my old school sucked.

Those were all the awards I’ve ever decided in my life. We should be proud of what we accomplish because it shows that we put work into our school and that we put work into ourselves. It's evidence of what we accomplished and we should look at that as a good thing. Although I don’t think it is a good thing to be too proud because then we can become rude or have a bigger ego about being “smart”. We should also humble ourselves and realize that others have different learning speed and sometimes people don’t put work into school and have an “ I don’t care attitude” about everything. We should always encourage others to work hard so that they can feel accomplished too. If you don;t work hard you’ll get stuck in life and won’t go anywhere. You can’t expect everything to be handed to you on a platter, you have to work for what you want or you won’t get it at all. That’s something I learned from my mom who had many jobs when she was younger in order to get herschel through college and life in general because as a kid, my mom was poor and supported by one parent who had worked long, unfairly paid shifts as a factory worker.

Elemetary Golden Honor Roll Fitness Awards
Middle School Presidential Honor Roll
High School Honor Roll N/A