
My hobbies are making designs for my clothing brand. I have been doing this for a while and trying to get better at my craft. I also like listen to music because the musi help me with the ideas. I get a lot of inspiration from what i listen to. So when designing clothes I want it to have a certain aestitic. I can design for a long time and whatever ideas i have in my mind I try my best to make them. Sometimes they don't come out how I pictured it in my head.

I have a lot of high expections coming from my deigns. If I keep practicing I will get really good. I plan on getting a macbook so I can make designs on photoshop. I'm taking a graphic design class right now so learning those skills I can put it into my designs. This hobby I have can get me rich so i will continue to take this seriously. My other hobby is trying to stle clothes. Anytime I get new pieces I try to style them the best I can. Being a stylist is one of my other passions as well because your putting your creativity to work to make a person look good. So thats another hobby that I have.