
My goals in life is to be very successful. I have a passion for fashion and learning how to create clothes. I want to be able to live the life I want without worrying where I'm going to get money from. I want to go to college to get my degree in marketing so I know how to make a name for myself in that industry. Marketing is key because you have to persuade the masses to buy your product. Theres a lot of other brands so you have to stand out. Everything is oversaturated now so having a good marketing scheme will seperate your brand. I also want to buy anything I want and be able to invest into property so I can gain generational wealth. All these things I want to do comes from hard work so I have to start now.

I learned how to become your own boss from looking at my parents. I seen the hard work that they put it in to get into the position they are in. So becoming a failure is not a option and I hold myself to a high standard. So to achieve these golas i have to gain all the knowlegde I can so I can incorperate them into my work. I have my own brand right now with my friend James and I can see it going a long way with the right guidance.