
The challenegs I faced was school and losing family members I loved dearly. These challenges made me a strong person and made me aprrieciate life more. With school I was struggling because of the virtual learning. I just couldn't do my work because I was distracted from other things instead of doing my work I was playing video games. Then going into the 9th grade things started getting worse. I was flucking every class execpt PE. My parents were rally mad at me because they knew I could do better and succeed. I was trying really hard but I just couldn't get it right.

Then when 10th grade came around things got worse. I had lost my grandfather before I started the 10th grade. So i missed a few days because of the funeral. I just needed a mental break from everything because this was the firdt person I lost really close to me. I really stopped talking to everyone and I started distancing myself. I'm still like that now so it didn't really go away for me. It was going to school so i decieded to change to homeschool so I can get better grades. Doing homeschool helped me cope and helped me get better grades. I did really good because it was self paced.