
I met some of my closet friends in elementry school and middle school. I have 6 close friends that I only hangout with. I'm very close with all of them. My first friends James I met in the 3rd grade. He had moved from Vallejo to Natomas. I had met him on the basketball court and we been friends ever since. Then there's Jahmair. I met him in the 6th grade at Natomas middle school. I met my friend Jacob In middle school as well in the 6th grade. My friend Dorian I met playing football when I was 10 then we ended up going to the same middle school and high school later on. In the 6th grade I also met my friend Rj. We played sports together all middle school. My friend Bryant I met in the 1st grade and we went to middle school together and we go to high school together.

Me and friends are really close we really got close during the pandemic playing videoa games with each other all the time. Then when we could go to school again we would all hangout togther. My friends all have the same ambition as me and we want to succeed and make something of themselves in this world. I feel if you hang arounnd weak minded people with a broke mindset you won't succeed. Ypu should always surround yourself with people with the same intentions as you.

james jacob jahmair
Bryant Dorian Rj