Family History

My name is Jaiehl Royal and I come from a mixed family. My grandfather is African American and my grandmother is Taiwanese.My mother and her brothers and sisters are half black and half chinese. So me and my cousins are a quarter Taiwanese. So growing up with both cultures were greqat. Ever since I was young my grandmother would speak chinese to me and I kinda have a understanding of the language. My grandfather is from South Carolina. He grew up with a lot of brothers and sisters. His father was a pastor and later on my granfather would take on that roll and even having his own church. I grew up in church and around instruments. He met my grandmother when he was in military when he was stationed in Taiwan. They came back to America and got married then started a family and had 6 kids. They lived in San Franciso then moved to Fairfield and then when my all kids were grown ups my grandparents moved to West Sacramento.

My dad is from texas he grew up in the church as well. My grandfather was a preacher as well even having his own church. he has one sister so it was just them growing uo. My dad was the youngest. He moved from Texas to Vallejo where he attended elementry school and graduated from Hogan High School in 1992. My Pop pop and Granna are from East Texas. My Pop pop was in the militarty and he was stationed in the army in Korea. Him and my Granna met in college at Prarie View a hbcu in Texas. They got married in 1968 and then a year later my auntie was born. Then in 1973 my dad was born.

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