Growing up

Growing up as a kid I was the only child. When I born I lived in fairfield with my mom and dad. Then I moved to West Sacramento where I attended pre school. Then I was 5 we moved to Natomas where I attended H. Allen High elementary. Growing up in Natomas was fun and that's where I met all my friends which I am still friends with. Being the only child was cool because I woud get everything I wanted. Then In the 3rd grade I became a big brother. So it was the 4 of us. So no more getting what I wanted. All the attention switched to my sister. I was very happy because I always wanted a sibling.

Being big brother was a big change for me because I have to lookout for my little sister. Everything I do she will try to follow so I had to be very careful in what I was doing.Growing up with my sister was cool because it was just us so things were easier. I just use to hate babysitting and we are 8 years apart so watching a little baby was very stressful. But I knew I had to step up and help my parents. Living in a 2 parent household was good because you learn so much from both of them.