About Me

My Goals

Bengali alphabet chart

I hope to get good grades to pass high school, so I can go to a good college. I want to also learn new skills during my time in high school, such as making websites and ceramics. I have a personal goal to get grades above a C for each class and to understand all (or most of ) the topics I learn in my classes. I hope to get a good job during college, such as working in the college store. One goal is to have a major in English and a minor in Global Studies. I will talk more about college on a different page.

A goal I have is to get my book self-published in two or three years. I will also want to try to learn how books are traditionally published, so I understand and if I decide I want to traditionally publish my book. I want to learn how to make more digital art, such as learning how to make a book cover on Inkscape. I also hope to learn how to make an ISBN number for my book. Finally I want to practice Spanish and Italian, so I am at least proficient in both; I also want to practice Bengali to become fluent.

I want to learn how to make video games with Python, since I already have a book that teaches how to use Python; the book shows how to make some simple games, such as a guessing game. I want to learn more HTML and CSS, so I can try to make my own websites; I want to make a website for some extracurricular activities I am in, such as Bangla Scool, where anyone can can join and learn Bengali. I want to learn how to use JavaScript someday, too. I hope this page helped you see how many topics I want to lean, be it a new language or making games.