About Me

My Childhood

Sacramento sign

I grew up in Sacramento and lived here my whole life. I was born as the fifth and last child of my family. At my old house, I had pet chicks and a pet goldfish. When I moved into the new house, I got a pet tuxedo cat named Jax, who died a few years later. I went to the Sacramento Unified School District at first for preschool to third grade. After I moved to the Natomas Unified School District, I went to fourth grade all the way to twelfth grade.

When I was younger, I joined a community soccer team, because I was interested in soccer. I enjoyed many different sports, and even played tetherball during recess, but I enjoyed, and still enjoy, playing soccer. I enjoy soccer, since it’s easier and seems funner than other sports. I also liked basketball, since I like dribbling the ball.

When I was younger, I was fascinated by animals and wanted to become a zoologist, which is why I was excited to go to zoos and aquariums. I enjoyed going to other countries and seeing animals, such as going to Monkey Beach in Malaysia,where I saw monkeys, and Pulau Bidadari in Indonesia, where I saw monitor lizards and fish.

I was in special ed when I went to preschool, and switched to general ed at the end of fourth grade. Special ed seemed easier and funner than general ed, as all the work was simple. Currently, I have accommodations that help me with my classes, such as getting extra time and getting to use notes for tests. My accommodations make it easier for me in math and a few other subjects, such as biology, as it lets me use my notes and have extra time, so I can finish a test after school hours, and turn in an assignment a few days later.