About Me

My Plans After High School

Graduate capI plan on going to college after high school, preferably one near me, such as SacState. I want to major in English and minor in Global Studies. I want to take English, because I want to become an author, and I want to take Global Studies to learn about different countries, since I want to write spy thrillers. I want to be an author, because I enjoy stories and am curious about every well-known author's writing styles. I enjoy writing my own stories, because I get to create the plot, the characters, where it’ll take place, and everything else. I want to self-publish at least my first two books, since I want full ownership of my first books. I want to also intern at a publishing company to understand the process of publishing, so I can plan mre if I decide to traditionally publish later. My favorite genres to read and write are:

I want to also get a job after high school, which will probably be at the college I go to, such as the college store. I’m currently planning on going to a local community college for the first two years, then transfer to a nearby four-year college. I want to take this action, because it'll cut costs, and the professors at community colleges teach better than the ones at four-year colleges. I want to get a bachelor's degree, since I’ll have more job opportunities after college for having a degree from a four-year college. I still want to go to a four-year college with a campus that I like, that’s close to my house, and one with great professors. I want to go to a college with a campus that I enjoy because you need a good campus experience alongside a great education to get the best education.