About Me

My Accomplishments

Soccer ball

I accomplished many things, such as volunteering to help the homeless with a winter drive, or when I was younger and played soccer. I enjoy soccer, as it kept me active and gave me the opportunity to make new friends with similar interests as me. I played soccer with a team in the community for three years, from 2010-2012. I wasn’t that good at playing soccer, but I practiced and got a few goals and tried different roles, as I went defensive and offensive. I got a trophy each year I played, since I participated, but I was still proud of myself for playing a sport that I enjoy. I played soccer with the same coach and most of the same people all three times. I view this as an accomplishment, because I kept joining soccer to improve my skills, and I did in the end by getting a few goals.

I helped at cultural events when I was younger, by helping place tables and even performed at some events before. More recently, I’ve helped Humanity Beyond Barriers, a nonprofit organization, with a winter drive; for the winter drive, I got necessary tools, such as disposable razors, toothpaste and toothbrushes, for the local homeless. I also help out at a food pantry once a month at a mosque, where I bag the food with a few other people. I also volunteered at the local library last year, and this year. Last year, at the library, I helped at the hold shelf and helped with the Nintendo Switch by setting it up. This year, I continued helping with the hold shelf, by putting the patrons from the cart to the shelf. I view these various activities as accomplishments, as I helped many people and accomplished many things, such as bagging food for those who needed it and gathering items for those who can’t afford them.