About Me

Obstacles That Stood in My Way

math shown on a chalk board

A challenge for me is math, as all of the different rules and theorems are confusing and hard to remember, such as the quadratic formula. Math is my least favorite subject, as it’s confusing and some of my teachers couldn’t explain certain rules well enough. My math teacher this year is a good teacher, as he goes over the rules and tries to simplify them as much as possible.

Another challenge for me is sculpting and painting. Painting is hard for me, since the paint spreads quickly. I’m not too good at ceramics, because it’s hard for me to make lids and a big ball out of clay. I’m also not good at drawing, since I can’t draw fully in the lines and it’s hard for me to draw bodies. I also can’t color in a picture fully, because the picture will still show some white.

Another challenge is learning Bengali, my mother tongue. Bengali is hard for me, since I grew up in America and I speak English most of the time. Bengali is a challenging language in general, as the alphabet and rules are different from the English rules and alphabet. I can speak a little Bengali and read and write in Bengali, but speaking it is the most challenging. I’m in Bangla School, which teaches anyone at any age that wants to learn Bengali learn Bengali. Bangla School has different grade levels, and I am in Level Two, which goes over reading poems and short stories, writing the answers to questions in the book, and how to say certain words with specific rules. Another language I have to practice is Spanish, which I learned earlier in high school.