Sports and Activities


Sports are very crucial in my life. I find it fun to do sports whether it is popular or not, it keeps me healthy and fit while being a fun activity. Throughout K-12, I've played baseball, basketball, flag football, soccer, and tennis. All of these sports I've enjoyed and dabbled in, but on this page, I will mostly talk about tennis. Tennis is my favorite sport to play and watch, and I developed myself the most in this sport. I played varsity Tennis for the Inderkum Tigers throughout high school and will be in my last season this year.

My Tennis Journey

Sports are very crucial in my life. I find it fun to do sports whether it is popular or not, it keeps me healthy and fit while being a fun activity. Throughout K-12, I've played baseball, basketball, flag football, soccer, and tennis. All of these sports I've enjoyed and dabbled in, but on this page, I will mostly talk about tennis. Tennis is my favorite sport to play and watch, and I developed myself the most in this sport. I played varsity Tennis for the Inderkum Tigers throughout high school and will be in my last season this year.Jobs

The first time I touched a tennis racquet was at the beginning of sophomore year. I didn’t know what I was doing, but still played a lot of tennis during this time with a friend who wanted to learn alongside me. The effects of playing tennis for the first time had a huge strain on my wrists and forearms. I couldn’t stretch them and they’d often get sore. After a while though, they’d begin to never ache again and I could play without pain. When I was playing a lot and needed guidance, my brother had a tennis friend who was D1. His name is Hermont Legaspi and played for the Sacramento Hornets. I was able to have many sessions with Hermont Legaspi during the Fall and stopped playing with him when he moved to SoCal during Winter Break. I gained massive improvements from his coaching sessions. He taught me proper ball striking, serve, and footwork.


During my first tennis season, I was really bad. Although I improved a lot I still had a lot to learn because the players on the team were very experienced. I would play with the newer players and sneak with the experienced players to learn from both sides. In this season I gained a lot of experience and played a lot of tennis. In the off-season, I practiced a lot and came back significantly stronger than I was last season. In my second year of Tennis, I played Varsity Doubles 1 and 2. I played every game and my forehand became a strong suit of my game. I was able to play putting the ball in more and succeeding in matches. At the end of the season, our team played in the Central Valley Conference where me and my partner won our doubles draw. We received medals and I felt proud of what I accomplished.