

In my household, I lived with my Mom, Dad, my two brothers, older and younger, and my disabled Grandma. They are all full-blooded Lao immigrants with me and my brothers being American born. My Dad loves to eat a lot of different varieties of food and would like any cuisine. My Mom is not as open and doesn't like anything sweet, and her taste buds are suited to Lao-Thai cuisine. Me and my brothers love eating out and eating fast food. Sushi, ramen, pasta, anything.

My Family


My older brother, at 24, stands as a beacon of inspiration in my life. As a software engineer, he not only excels in his professional endeavors but also demonstrates a passion for continual learning and innovation. His dedication to his craft, problem-solving skills, and commitment to personal growth motivate me to pursue excellence in my own pursuits. His journey serves as a testament to the transformative power of hard work and perseverance, inspiring me to set ambitious goals and strive for success in my chosen path.


On the flip side, my younger brother is navigating the tumultuous waters of middle school, and witnessing his rapid growth is both fascinating and bittersweet. It seems like just yesterday he was learning to tie his shoes, and now he's immersed in the challenges and adventures of adolescence.Jobs His curiosity, resilience, and the speed at which he absorbs new information remind me of the fleeting nature of time. As an older sibling, I find myself offering guidance and support, cherishing the opportunity to witness his development into a unique individual with his own aspirations and dreams.

My Parents

The strength of my parents' relationship serves as a cornerstone for our family. Their enduring love, mutual respect, and shared commitment to both individual and collective growth create a nurturing environment that has shaped my understanding of companionship. Witnessing their partnership, characterized by open communication, collaboration, and unwavering support, has set a high standard for my own aspirations in building meaningful connections. I find myself aspiring to cultivate a relationship as resilient and enriching as theirs, understanding that it requires effort, understanding, and a shared journey through life's ups and downs.