

Friends play a crucial role in providing emotional support, as they offer a network of individuals with whom one can share joys, sorrows, and challenges. Social connections contribute to a sense of belonging, fostering mental well-being and reducing feelings of isolation. In times of adversity, friends often serve as a reliable support system, offering practical assistance and a comforting presence. Beyond Ultimately, the importance of friends lies in their ability to enrich our lives, promote positive mental health, and offer companionship on life's journey.

My Friends

Tylison - I have met Tylison in elementary but we weren't close as much as we are now. From the gap between middle school, I then saw him again at Kate's birthday party. We began hanging out more and had a lot of classes in common as we both were in IB. In Sophomore and Junior year, me and Tylison shared all of our classes except from math.

Brandon - I knew Brandon from PE during Sophomore year. We also hung out a lot as we both were in the tennis team and hung out with mutual friends. We often play tennis late at night and he is a reliable hitting partner for me.


Kylie - Kylie is my girlfriend and the cutest thing ever. She's the most important thing to me and I hope we end up in college together. We love to eat food and spend time together The cons though is that she is very mean and abusive towards me but its okay I love her anyways.

William - me and William have stuck by each other since middle school and will always have each others back. He is the strongest long term friend I have and I could trust him with my life if needed.