Growing up


As a child, those early years were a whirlwind of discovery and wonder. From the moment I took my first steps, every day seemed like a new adventure. My natural curiosity drove me to explore the world around me, whether it was poking at insects in the backyard or trying to make sense of the seemingly magical workings of everyday objects. Play was my language of learning, and it wasn't just about having fun; it was a serious business of figuring out how things worked.

My Childhood

Growing up as an Asian American in an upper-middle-class household provided a unique blend of cultural richness and societal expectations. My upbringing was deeply influenced by a balance between traditional values and the pursuit of success within the American context. While I cherished the cultural traditions passed down from my immigrant parents, there was a constant negotiation between embracing my heritage and assimilating into the predominantly Western culture around me. Education held a paramount place in our household, with a strong emphasis on achievement and career aspirations. The neighborhood reflected diversity, yet sometimes I found myself straddling two worlds, navigating the complexities of identity. Despite the challenges, my upbringing instilled in me a strong work ethic, resilience, and an appreciation for the opportunities that came with the fusion of Asian heritage and the American dream.


Growing up, my childhood was shaped by the unique parenting style of my mother, who had a firm belief in the power of rest and education. One peculiar aspect of my daily routine was the mandatory four-hour nap insisted upon by my mom. While my friends enjoyed outdoor activities or video games, I found myself reluctantly succumbing to a lengthy siesta. At the time, it felt like an imposition, but looking back, I realize it instilled a sense of discipline and the importance of self-care.

Books became my constant companions during those enforced nap times. In a way, it was a blessing in disguise as it fueled my love for reading. I delved into various genres, escaping into fantastical worlds and exploring different cultures. The enforced quiet time allowed my imagination to soar, and the habit of reading became a lifelong passion.

i hate everything. i hate myself