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Life In School

School Life
Life in high school is very importnt, it give people a ton of emotions ranging all the way from being at your lowest to being at your highest. The friends you make along the way also play a big part since it could either be just a friend or it could be a life long friend or even your future wife.

Academically, high school can be good or bad. Some see the academic side of school being super other while others do not. Some could not study a day in their life and some need to study until 2am. It all depends if you can trick school or take it and finish. Some don't even open their textbooks while other read through their whole textbook.

Lunch breaks are also a big part of school. It is the only part of school where you can take an actualy break and be able to hang out with whoever and strengthen your friendship while also be able to do fun stuff.

Extracurricular activities add a layer of expertise to school. Ranging from clubs to sports to even a job. In clubs, you can either be the club leader or the participent and learn the same. Sports on the other hand is a whole different ball park. You get thrown into a group of people you might not know and later on become one with every single one of them hanging out on a day to day basis.

As senior year goes by, I get remembered of all the good times and know that life goes on and theres nothing you can do about it. Remembering quarantine, being able to do whatever you want while class goes on to my real first year of high school being sophmore year having classes with other seniors that left for college or are now working.