× Family History Childhood Stories Life in Highschool Life After Highschool Hobbies Accomplishments Goals


Starting Out
My childhood had so many things and activities. Just to list a few, playing video games, legos, nerf guns, beyblades. In my neighborhood when I was around 10, I would go to a school where a lot of those people in that school were living in the same neighborhood, causing all of us the play nerf guns outside. It would always be a hassle to clean up the nerf darts after we were done playing but it was all worth it since the memories will stick with me for a life time.

In terms of legos, I would always build with them wether it'd be an actual set or just something random. Even now I still built legos, I spent around a week building a lego ferrari that's around 2 feet long and probably around a foot wide. i've also built a lot of tiny lego cars and a world map which Im pretty sure has record amount of pieces but was realy easy to built since it's just a bunch of dots that make up a map. I am currently building another lego project that I've stoppe for a long time sine I've been intrigued in a lot of other things.

In terms of playing games, it started out ever since I was around 10 years old. From what I can remember, it started off either when my older brother let me play on his xbox 360 or when my cousins gifted me a nintendo 3ds. All in all, it really hightened my interest in gaming to what it is now. Nowadays, in some games I rank top 4% in games such as valorant, rocket league, csgo without trying to play competitivley. Playing all sorts of different games, I tend to spend a lot of money, the spending also pays off from time to time. For example, one time I was opening csgo cases(which give skins ranging from common to something as rare as 1/10 million)and I got a knife with a super rare pattern and wear. This knife can sell for around $2k dollars which was mind baffling for me.