× Family History Childhood Stories Life in Highschool Life After Highschool Hobbies Accomplishments Goals


My life time goals, firstly, my most important goal is being able to provide for my family when they get too old and being able to take trips with them. This goal leads to my other goals of wanting to have a job that pays well and allows you to take leaves or have a job where you can work from anywhere.

In terms of giving to others, my goal is to fullfill my friends and families dream places. For example, my brother was always into cars and I saw that he wanted a skyline ever since it was showed off all the way back when fast and furious tokyo drift came out. The car is also being able to be imported to the US this year because of their 25 year ban making it super viable to give to him. By the time I get a good job, he might buy it himself...For my parents, they just want to travel(mostly my mom) my dad also always works which it would be nice to where I can make it so he doesn't need to work anymore and has as much money he wants. In terms of gifts for friends, I can hang out with them way more and give them what they're interested in, which they're also mostly interested in cars and sports in general.

Another goal that I have is to get to know a lot of celebrities, the reason for this is because I can just hang out with them and see how a celebritys life is. Also to just know them to know more and more people and soon have a lot of people that I know that I can invite or they can invite me to parties or events that are exclusive.