The Man, The Myth, The Legend:
Scott Jackson

Who Is This Stranger?

Now this silly little feller I am dissucsing currently is my best friend of about I want to say six or seven years. He is a pretty cool guy with a good personality and a friendly cadence. A brother who will always try and be there for you no matter what, even if his own emotions are uncertain. He truly cares about his friends and puts them before his own needs, which i have seen multiple times. He is stubborn, but what self-respecting teenager isnt?

Now what has this man been through?

Scott jackson has struggled a lot like most teenagers with our obvious and controlling addiction to our phones, but unlike most students he is able to focus very well on his work and always makes sure he gets what he needs to done.

In the past he couldnt, because of a very not cool thing called depression, which really effected his work ethic and overall look at school and things like it. He did change a lot when he met his girlfriend, T. She is good to him and they seem pretty damn happy together, but I digress. This is supposed to be about Scott jackson not other people in his life.

He's also been plagued with misfortune throughout his life,growing up poor and all that. But he never really let that effect his mood and overall look at the world, trying to keep up a positive act as well and as much as he can.

What Has Jackson done?

Well, the matey has done a lot thoughout his life, as one of his biggest accomplishments is being able to make a minecraft mod, which takes serious dedication and focus to not only be albe to learn how to do it in the first place, but be able to put your mind to something you cant even begin to imagine or foresee how it will be seen in the eyes of other people.

He is also in the position of currently learning blender and I believe Python. He genuinly impresses me with how much effort he puts into being great each day, and I am proud to be his best friend. I really could not have asked for a better friend throughout these years

Why is he on this list?

IDK becasue hes my best friend???

Now why is this stranger on the list?

The Reason he is even on this list is because he really helped a brother out during middle school. Middle school was a scary time for me, as I had just lost all of my friends and was going to a new school, in which all the other kids already had a year with each other, so I really was the new kid. Me and him just struck up a conversation, We made each other laugh, and that was the start of it. He was kind enough to introduce me to his friend group, where I met a ton of my friends today, and he made sure I knew where my classes were, or at the very least tried to help me out in one way or another.

Even when times got rough and our relationship seemed off, it always got better really quick, and the squabbles are really easy to forget about. Yeah, he kinda smells, bad, but dont all teenagers? All I have to say is that we have a falling out, that might be the lowest I could get just because of how much he means to me, and I just have to hope my emotions dont get the better of me.

Now why does this loser inspire me?

Scott jackson inspires me because not only from his work ethic, and his no-cares given attitude, but also how he approches life, with his fists up and ready to swing. He inspires me to try my hardest because I want to impress him, which I do in some cases, but there are others where I need to improve, and where I want to improve.

He has also been in my life for a very long time, which means the world to me, and he is basically the brother I never had. And why wouldnt I want to impress my brother? He also inspires me to be a better than him at anything and everything, as we have sort of a rivalry going on between us. We make sure to challenge each other any time we can, and That makes me want to try even harder than I would because of this silly little rivalry we have going on.

I see this guy as peak what I could be, so I strive for that. Because I see me in him, just better and improved on. And I want, no, I need to be on par with him. Whats the point in rivalrys if there is no challenge? Hes Just a Guy I wouldnt want to lose for the world. I got lucky when our math teacher sat us together that one day. And I may talk crap with him and joke around with him, but thats all it is. Jokes and laughs. And thats what he does to me, and thats what I do to him. A true brother for life.