That Guy That Do Be
My Dad, my papa if you would

So who even is this old guy?

Now this old man happens to be my father, who is one of the coolest guys you will ever meet, and he taught me all that I would ever need in my day to day life. A very rough exterior to hide his softer side, which sometimes shows its face from time to time. A good man, and a good father to me, my brother and my baby brother, the newest edition in the family. A very cool dude that likes sports, likes hanging out with his friends, and loves to hang out and spend time with his family. what can I say, he is a family man through and through. And id much rather prefer that than any other choice you could show me. a good man, but also moral-stricken and likes to keep it that way.

Whats the old guy been through?

well I dont know too much about my dads struggles, only that they were present. I do know in his early life there was some trouble with his parents, which I will not discuss for personal reasons and also because of my fathers privacy.

I do know that he works extremley hard for me and my family, so much sometimes I dont even see him until very late, like im talking like 1 am late. But he goes through this, he does this for his family, who he wants to just have a good life and a good future. I do also know that there was some problems with his brother which prevented us from seeing my uncle too much, but it seems to have settled, kind of.

He doesnt let his struggles define him, which is kinda why I dont know that much about them. They aint who he is, so he doesnt bring them up. I also think its because I am his kid, so he doesnt want to show vulnerablility in front of me, because it is what he was taught to do.

Whats this old guy even done?

Well this old guy does a lot of things and has a few accomplishments under his belt, like giving the world me, which is an accomplishment on its own. HE LITERALLY MADE ME, so I think thats pretty cool honestly. He gets points taken away because of my brother though, so it evens out.

I suppose one of his bigger accomplishments would be being able to manage his family life with his social life with ease and grace, almost like he has had practice. It is realy impressive to watch it unfold and work so well, even when it can be a bit draining and tough to get through.

So why is this old fart on the list?

Man I wonder why, the question eludes me. Maybe because hes my dad???

Why this old guy, and not
like another old guy?

Thats a pretty easy question to answer, its because he is my dad. The guy that taught me everything pretty much, who would stay up late to play a little bit of video games with me even when he was super tired. It was sweet. Hes the guy that taught me my moral compass, along with my mom, and helped to shape how I would see the world for pretty much the rest of my life.

He is a really smart guy who is just fun to be around, minus the drinking. but he can really easily quit drinking, so its all good. And the biggest thing is that he trusts me. He trusts me to be an adult and get my stuff done, which is what im doing right now.

Just overall a very cool guy and im glad I get to live with this guy. yeah sure he can be a hardass, and cant poke and prod a little too much, but that just means he loves you. which I think is pretty cool. Or maybe Im just used to it, but whos to say.

Why Does my dad inspire me?

My dad inspires me because of how great of a man he is. He can provide for his family with ease, while also making sure he is connected with them too, and also being able to spend a good time with friends also. It makes me want to be like him, to be able to be that strong sheild for my own family, if I ever think of starting one in the future.

Another way he really inspires me is because as I have said before, he really does believe that I could do great things if I tried. but it is one of those things you have to go digging for instead of it being obvious. but it feels good and motivating to know he believes that im doing my best that I can. Sometimes I do and can blunder though, but i always just think of him whenever I start to distract myself from the main task at hand, or I would think"what would dad do in this situation?". It really helps to know he will be on my side if needed.

He also inspires me by way of spite. See, he messes with me by constantly mentioning the military as an option for me, because he is kinda saying im dumb. So im going to collage not just for me, but to spite him. and if this is just a really good tactic to get me to go to collage then its working. Because I am dead set on going, no matter what. I am going to prove him wrong, and I think thats what he wants. And honestly thats ok, because this fake spite is working in my favor so I can focus on my goals of going to collage to study Astrophysics. So yeah, thanks dad, The whole reason for me going to collage is partly because I dont want to go to the military to satisfy your dumb joke. And yeah, it is dumb just like you insinuate I am, and therefore suggest the military. but its ok dad, I love ya. :)