That one youtuber that indroduced me to
the web pretty much

Now who is this youtuber guy?

So this guy Is Markiplier, who is this really famous youtuber known for his lets plays and also his many projects that he has started and made over the years. He is a massive inspiration to many people, not just me. And he is cool and muscualar. Sorry im gushing, but he really is cool. Starting out with a tiny little channel like so many before and many more after him, he got big playing five nights at freddy's, which I have to say is pretty good and the movie was absolute peak

But anyways, he got big on that and kept the ball rolling, and now he is like one of the biggest and well paid youtubers on the platform, and with 35 million subscribers, you would better believe that he makes that good stuff. I still watch any of his videos because of how much I still respect the guy. Hes just a pretty cool guy, I cant lie.

What has the mark been through?

well the man seems to have been through a pretty rough childhood, and thats all ill really say about that. A lot of people have tried and slandered his name throughout the years, with no success to be found. but it still should not happen because he is a cool guy. The feller has alos had his fair share of injuries throughout his life, and many during youtubing, so we the viewers got to see what happened, and it did not look pretty. yeah he is a silly guy, but he has lost people, which sucks, because losing someone like a family member always hurts. But he looks and feels like a cool guy, so ill let it slide this one time

Now what has this guy done?

Now Mister Mark has made his fair share of different media through different mediums, and the biggest I can think up on the top of my head is his clothing brand, cloak. Its a fully furnished clothing brand, that does well to still be connected to mark, while also being disconnected, like it feels like it could be anyone that made these designs and clothes, but it does get a lot of support.

Another I would like to point out is all the facinating youtube choose your own adventure type videos. They are genuinly really cool, and the two that I know of is a heist with markiplier and in space with markiplier, which were both dope as hell. I stated this, but they were choose your own adventure, so you would watch the video, and it would give you options on what you could do, then take you to a video showing your actions in video format, like the whole seris. Heres a link to in space with markiplier if you are interestedHeres the linky. overall this guy is just good at making things and making them cool

Now why is HE on the list?

Idk I think hes cool and hot no i didnt say hot you are imagining things come onnnnnnnnnn.

Now for the real pressing question:
why Markiplier?

Well sometimes the simplest answer is sometimes the greatest one, and in this case it counts. Mark is just a cool guy who has been able to do a lot of cool things not only for his fans but for many other people, incuding charities and his own family.A very respectful gentlmen who I wholeheartedly endorse as a cool guy. But its funny, because with how cool he is and for how much he does, he is super chill. like in most of his videos he just having fun, which is what you are supposed to be doing anyways, which I think is pretty cool. It really does feel like he is still passionate about the games he plays and the videos he still makes, which I just respect. Because I am sure it can get boring or feel like a slog, but I guess not for markiplier. He is just that guy. A man I just gotta respect and look up to because he is kinda a goal, and while not a personal goal of mine he is a goal for so many others.very cool frieza

Now why does Mark inspire moi?

Well for one he is pretty much the definition of rags to riches, with his channel exploding just like that, and even with all that fame and all that money, he really seems down to earth and really seems to care about his fans. I dont think I have ever truly seen a video slander his name with any kind of concrete evidence. like cold hard facts is something these finger pointers just dont have, and they cant have, because it does not exist, because he is just too cool

Another reason he inspires me is because of the media he produces. Its so full of creativity that I just cant help but admire him and what he does. I think that all of the media he has produced has been tip top of what a simple youtuber can do, which in the past was never and could never be possible but now with the power that youtubers somehow have, he can just make these amazing things. Like it makes me want to create content and do cool things like this, even though its not what I want to do in a profession. But I can still respect and admire the time and effort put into these projects.

And I think that the last reason markiplier inspires me is just how kind and humble he can be. like he just seems like a sweetheart on and off his channel. Like I dont understand how anyone can really or truly hate markiplier when he is just this friendly and this kind. it makes it nigh impossible without looking like a peice of crap that should be thrown into the trash. hes just a good friendly guy that makes good content, and also hes making and starring in a movie soon, so that should be even more cool. I dont think there can be or will be anything in my lifetime that could change my mind on markiplier, because hes just that cool. I know I have said that a lot, but its true. he really is just the peak of what humanity could be: a chill ass dude just trying to make cool things and trying to make people laugh. and thats the kicker. make people laugh. now thats a powerful skill I must say.