
Our life is full of Accomplishments and all types of awards. The definition of the word accomplishment is described as something that has been achieved successfully. In my eyes, accomplishment is something that our loved ones around us are proud of. My parents always tell me how proud they are of me and all I've accomplished in my life at such a young age. I’ve always been the one to remind my friends about tests or reports that are due, and they always ask what they would do without me.

Academic history

Throughout high school I have always valued getting good grades, and always doing the best I could to my ability. As well as maintaining my grades, I managed to always be doing at least one sport, and having one job as well. Keeping up with all of these can be fairly stressful, but having down time, or any time to myself was never something I have found to be relaxing. I prefer being busy, and keeping myself on my toes. With this being said, with as many things going on in my life, I am proud of myself for always keeping my grades up and never compromising them for the other activities going on in my life.

Creative Sides

Every person has a creative side, and it can be shown in more ways. The Creative side is someone's behavior towards others. Some can have a positive creative side and some can also have a negative creative side. Every person has a different creative side. My creative way can be developed in many ways, one I had explained my Innovative thinking, Many people can have the same creative thinking as me. Sometimes my viewpoints are different from others. Some issues or problems from my perspective are sometimes someone is thinking something else, and I am thinking something else. The same situation from my perspective can also be the same perspective of the other person who was there with me.

I have tried to help many people. My Greatest talent is Creativity, Problem solving, etc. My Problem solving is the basic skill which helps me to solve problems of mine and others also. I can solve problems everyday without thinking about how to solve the problem. For those who work in offices or schools, Problem solving can make the work easier. And can give creative solutions, and show independence to employees.

In my 10th grade there was a physics teacher. He used to punish all the kids. Everyone was scared of her because he doesn’t listen to anyone's problems. He just used to teach and take too many tests. Everyone was very scared to ask something from him then I used to help them because my friends can’t understand the topic that the teacher is trying to teach. I used to call them to my house and we used to study the topics and after doing the group studies we pass the class with the higher marks and the teacher was also surprised why they scored higher marks when they didn't study in the class.

Problem Solving

I had solved my friend's problem when she was not well and didn’t come to school. She was suffering from a high fever and other things were also not going well then I helped her complete her subject work. We used to gather at my or her house then I used to complete her work. I have helped her with many things like homework or if she has any problem I try to help her with solving the problem. I think I can solve the problems if someone asks for help by identifying the risks as the potential risks in our working environment. I can also be a problem solver by identifying the issues that cause operation and need to work on that.

School years 1 Semester GPA 2 Semester GPA
2022-2023 Years 3.7 GPA 3.8 GPA
2023-2024 Years 3.8 GPA N/A