Family History

Family history is very important to an individual. By knowing where I am from, I can have a better perspective in my life. A person's roots and origin is one of the most important things to explore. At the heart of my family history lies the ancestral homestead, a place that is near to our heart. One of the pillars of our family history is the sagas, their triumphs, and the challenges.

My Father

First of all I want to talk about my father’s history. My father was born in India, He started school in the city near them. My father's school life was very good, then he came to college but there he faced many problems. Finally, he completed his studies. My father was looking for a job but he faces too many problems, as there is too much corruption in India. he can’t find any jobs. My father was very frustrated, so he started farming. After the marriage of my mother and father I came to this world.

When I was 6 years old, My father thought that he should go abroad for his children’s future, and he decided to go to the USA. He faced many problems when he came to the USA. Finally, he arrived in the USA. He started working hard, and Then USA government approved his documents. He filed my and my family documents to come to the USA. After that I worked hard, and bought the house and furniture for my family.

Happiest Moment

Finally Me and My family arrived in the USA. That was a very good moment when I met my father after 8 years. I was very happy to see him after such a long time. My father bought many beautiful houses and furniture for us. It was a very pleasant movement. Now, we are living as a happy family in the USA.