My Hobbies

Playing sports and learning sports has always been my got to activity for all occasions. I would be hyperactive if someone call me to play, I would never say no to the sports. I would be never tired to play sports. I enjoy sports more when I play with my friends. Playing sports keeps me fresh and active. Plenty of times said no to my parents to go to outside for a trip when it is my playing time.

My most favourite sport is cricket. I did 2 years of cricket coaching and would like to continue but I moved to USA. In India cricket, football are most played sport but in USA football, rugby, basketball are most played sports and cricket is rarely played and there are only few cricket academies. Another sports that I learned was swimming and badminton. I would never leave sport.

Except sports I like to see movies. Me and my father love to see movies and go every month to see movie in cinemas. I like mysterious, thriller, comedy, action etc. Sometimes I like to do drawing when I am bored and free. I am interested to learn and know about computers and AI. I want to make computers as my passion.