Childhood Stories

When I was in elementary school, I used to be naughtiest student in my class. When there was a playing period, me and my friend did something mischievous thing and teacher send me and my friend in class. In class there were no one except me and my friends as there was playing period. So, me and my friend played horse cart game in which I was horse and my friend sat on me. When teacher came inside the classroom she saw us doing such things and got angry and shout on us. Then she complained to my mother and that was unlucky day for me because when I reached home she was just so angry and yelled at me than ever.

I was not naughty only in school but also in home. I used to tease my mom by throwing clothes outside of the window. My mom want to get rid of my naughtiness. I would throw my new toys and some other stuff outside of the window. When my mom used to wiping the floor by water in a bucket. I would sit inside that bucket. I used to not do homework and sleep while doing homework .Now, I am teen but still my mom tell me that you teased me a lot in your childhood.