People who inspired me: Grandpa

Another person who inspired me is my Grandpa. My Grandpa was born in India. From what I know he owned a farm their and eventually moved to England. I don't know my Grandpa did whie he was in England but when my dad was about six he moved to America. When he was in America he had mostly a tough time my Grandpa barly understood English at the time. My Grandpa when coming to America moved to yuba city and got a Job at Sunsweet for a good portion of his life. My Grandpa was their for a long time and eventually retired their where he got a pension. My grandpa of to also had obsticals in his path such as when he lost his wife. My grandpa was devestated when his wife died but he powered through the struggel. My Grandpa was also a alcoholic at one point in time. My grandpa eventually pulled his life together and quit the bottle. Now my Grandpa has 3 kids many Grandchildren and a good life that he can live comfortably.

My Grandpa is an inspiration to me because he went through many strugels during his life. A list of his obsicals that were in his way were

  1. Moved to England
  2. faced rascism
  3. Was poor
  4. was an Alcoholic
  5. Wifed died
  6. Didn't know English well
  7. daugher got a divorce

My Grandpa's many Obsticals in his life is what make me admire him. My grandpa inspires me because he came to America and left his life behind him to start anew and he made it. My grandpa Inspires me because even though times got tough he was able to keep going and provide for his family. My Grandpa has taught me that even though times can look tough and can get you down that if you work hard enough eventually you will make a good life for yourself.