People who inspired me: Mom

Another person that inspires me is my mom. My mom was born in London with four other sisters, she is a middle child. She moved to America when she married my dad. One of my mom's acomplishments was that she also owned a seven-eleven. Another acomplishment was that my mom graduated college and got a bachlors degree. She had plenty of Obstacles in her path such as raisng three kids, racis  ,being poor, and having debt. My Mom was born on christmas. One big obstacle my mom faced was when my lost her mom. The loss very devastating espcially because there were no signs that anything was going wrong and, it just suddenly happened. My Mom's family consists of:

  1. Her mom
  2. Her dad
  3. Her 1st sister
  4. Her 2nd sister
  5. Herself
  6. Her 3rd sister
  7. Her 4th sister

My mom is an inspiration to me because she worked very hard to get to where she is. She works hard and cares for her family. One thing about my mom is she is a stubborn person. When she sets her mind to do something she will not give up, no matter what I tell her. My mom me lessons such as that if you work hard you will go far. Another thing that my mom taught me is that life is hard so I should not let it get me down. My mom inspired me to work hard to achieve what I want and that no matter how far I am my family will always be with me. My mom always tells me the storys of her childhood and the expirences she went through. This inspires me because she has had a tough life and I admire her for being able to get through it and grow up with a good life.