
I have many goals in life and try to stay on track to reach each little goal to get to make my dreams come true. A couple of my dreams include competing internationally for the USA on the acrobatics gymnastics team. I want to get into a good college and study business, kinesiology, or cosmetology-(hence the picture of doing hair).

Some baby goals I set for myself to reach my bigger goals are getting good grades, turning in all my assignments for school, working hard at the gym to move up and weights, and eating healthy. I always strive for positivity, but sometimes it’s hard. It helps me to remember there has to be a rule of thirds at the gym. A third of the time there will be good practices, a third of the time there will be bad practices, and a third of the time there will be okay practices.

Learning how to reward my hard work without reaching my goals yet can be difficult for me sometimes. I try to remember I can only do my best and there is always someone in the world who will be better at something than me. The only person in my way of reaching my dreams are myself which is why I try to stay motivated the best I can.

One of my favorite goals I set for myself was over quarantine. I wanted to learn how to do a press handstand. I went online to learn all of the best drills and tips to get my press. I have to admit, there were moments I wanted to give up. But then again I didn't have anything better to do over quarantine. Keeping at it every day, I finally got my press to handstand the begining of September in 2020. I couldn't believe I did it. I was exhilerated and so was my family for me.