
What have you accomplished?

In my life, I never know if I accomplished a lot from today. However, I did do quite a bit over time in my youth. From participating in soccer, to making projects of my own, and getting promoted.

I had participated in Sacramento's International Marathon. From there, I ran the 13-mile relay from Carmichael to the Capitol. I felt that I was both a standout in my age group, but I finished something amazing. I also received my first degree black belt at 13. Although it was a short amount of time there, I still feel that my effort was worth it. other than sports, I had also engaged myself in CIty Hall among other students in Sacramento, in where I voluntary took the risk of addresssing the issues of homelessness rampant throughout the city. I learned more from government officials, but also learned about what it takes to commit to the city's needs along with a team of talented people.