People of Inspiration

James Primate

Who is Primate?

James Primate, also known as James Therrien, was the one who wrote many of the songs for the indie game Rain World. He worked alongside many other composers such as Lydia Esrig to bring this soundtrack about. Prior to this, he worked on many other indie games such as Junk Jack and Gnomoria. He has a very different style of music compared to many other composers for games such as these. Rain World's soundtrack mainly consists of lofi and electronic music instead of the more traditional orchestral music that is found in the gaming industry. Rain World is a full blown ecosystem disguised as a game which presents many challenges when developing the music as literally anything can be happening within the game at any given moment. The music needs to evolve with the game, representing threats, various sub-areas, and the overall story of the game which deals with beings far beyond one's comprehension. Primate is able to masterfully deal with all of these challenges.

Primate also worked on the DLC for Rain World called Downpour. This expanded the story of the game and created a more clear narrative among incomprehensible gods and small slugcats. Primate is able to tell the story throughout the whole game (and its successive playthroughs) through the use of leitmotifs and layered tracks. The creation of over 160 unique tracks enables this style of storytelling as tracks are able to be layered over each other to represent various emotions and events that are occurring on the map. The ambiance in this game mainly comes from Primate's deep understanding of this very unique style of creating game music. Despite the small community around the game, its deep layers of story beats and music tracks have attracted a very dedicated player base that praise the game for its story, visuals, challenging platforming, and its music and ambiance.

Primate's Impact

James Primate is a very interesting composer. His ability to tell a story simply through music is very impressive. As the game has little dialogue, the music plays a central role in helping the player understand what is going on in such a complex game. He is truly an inspiration that deserves more attention for his techniques that help a player comprehend the events of the game. I admire his ability to think outside of the box in order to solve a problem. Developing his style of music is very impressive as it feels almost counterintuitive and yet completely sensible.

It seems to be a struggle for many composers to convert a certain emotion or theme through consistent music for a franchise. This style of music could revolutionize music for these small indie games that heavily rely on atmosphere and worldbuilding to compete with large companies. Being able to build a game with a dedicated community that is willing to follow future work is hard. But Jane Primate has taken the necessary steps to ensure that people will be interested in his unique combination of musical themes, techniques, and overall feel. Some of my favorite works by him are:

  • Sundown
  • Urban Jungle
  • Moondown
  • Weyuon
  • Kayava
  • What Fate a Slugcat