
(1483-1520) was an Italian High Renaissance painter and architect known for his exceptional artistic talent and contributions to the cultural and artistic development of the period. Born Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino in Urbino, Italy, he received his early artistic training under his father, a painter. Raphael's artistic career flourished in Florence, where he absorbed the influences of renowned artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. His most celebrated works include the Vatican Stanza frescoes, such as "The School of Athens," commissioned by Pope Julius II, showcasing his mastery of composition, perspective, and classical forms. Raphael's art is characterized by grace, harmony, and a profound understanding of human anatomy. Beyond his prolific painting career, he also played a significant role as an architect in Rome. Tragically, Raphael's life was cut short at the age of 37, but his impact on Renaissance art endured, influencing generations of artists and leaving an indelible mark on the history of Western art.

Why i like him?

I like Raphael because his work has a unique beauty and sublimity. In each of his paintings I see harmony of forms, sophistication of composition and deep meaning. Raphael has excellent mastery of painting; his paintings radiate light and warmth, as if permeated with divine inspiration. I am especially attracted to the theme of spirituality, which Raphael so masterfully embodied in his works. His angels, saints and theologians seem not only to be ideal images, but also the embodiment of moral purity. Each image in his paintings acquires a unique harmony and spiritual elegance. I am also inspired by the wide range of themes that Raphael touches on in his work. He created canvases on themes of both mythology and religion, fitting perfectly into a variety of artistic genres. This demonstrates his versatility and deep understanding of various aspects of human experience. In general, Raphael for me is not just a great artist of the Renaissance, but also a source of inspiration, awakening inner harmony and the desire for beauty. His works became for me a source of sublimity and eternal values that continue to inspire in our modern times.