My name is Nikita Karachev and I was born on 06/06/2006, which makes me 17 years old. During my life I have changed my place of residence many times. If you're interested in learning more, you can check out my adventures by following link (where i live.). I really like reading interesting books, especially detective stories. The same applies to films. I am interested in history, drawing, playing chess and searching for new knowledge. My goal is to be like my parents and have many higher educations. In addition, I like to listen to music, but not new music - I prefer older genres, such as classical music or performers from the Soviet period. My favorite singer is an Italian named Celentano, who is also distinguished as a talented actor. I have many friends all over the world, both in Europe and Asia. My travels and exposure to different cultures have enriched my life, and I am always open to new interesting acquaintances and adventures.
Personal Stats
Name Height Age
Nikita 183m. 17.5