Favorites Things


Hey there, Step into the world of things that light up my days—it's a mix of music, anime, travel, and more. So, when it comes to music, The Weeknd is my go-to. His beats set the rhythm for my day, and his lyrics are like poetry to my ears.

Anime is another love of mine. The stories, the characters, the art—it's a whole world I dive into. From the emotional rollercoaster of Attak on Titan to the action-packed adventures of Naruto, each show is a journey of its own.

Now, let's talk about my wanderlust. Traveling is not just a hobby; it's a way of life. Whether it's exploring bustling cities, serene landscapes, or hidden gems, I'm all about the thrill of discovery.

But that's not all. A good book can transport me to a different world. I'm a sucker for stories that captivate the imagination. And let's not forget about food—trying new dishes is like a mini adventure on its own.

On this page, I'll spilled the tea on all my favorites. Expect music vibes, anime adventures, travel tales, book recommendations, and maybe even a recipe or two. It's a glimpse into the things that bring joy to my world.