People Of Inspiration

About The Page

The Individuals I have picked for this project have a big impact on me as a person and my creative process.The influence they have on me is strong. I look to these inviduals when I need some type of inspiration and a example of what type of lifestyle I want in life. I have been following these people for some quite time. The music, fashion, and creative direction is plays a big part on how I make things. I have been looking up to these people for a while. Looking at Kanye West has really opend my eyes. I like how he does things and doesn't care what anyone thinks about him. I feel like I should think this way because my creative process shouldn't be stopped because I'm listenting to what people say about it. Overall all these people have a big impact on me and other young teens across the world. So i look up to them for guidance and hopefully I can achieve the status and success they have when I get older.