People of Inspiration


Oftentimes we used inspirational individuals to model what we want to do in our life. We take people that we would call modern day superheroes, because they did something important in their lifetime. These four individuals I've chosen have done something extraordinary in their life, and thus modeled my life. Their actions present their worthy character and mindset, they all had a goal to achieve in order to help and benefit others or influence others in a good way. I will present the biography of these individuals and how they have inspired me in my own life and moved me to do something inspirational with my life. I will talk about the life these individuals had, how they started out, how they lived their life, their accomplishments, as well as what they struggled with. These four have all impacted history in some sort of way, they left their imprint on the world and will go down in history. These people were kind and respectable and were known for their actions and character. They were talked to and were commended for the actions they took. I will also discuss what these people meant to me personally and how they have inspired me in my life and how I want to live it. I took certain aspects of their life that have inspired me on my own. They have inspired me to work hard for my dreams and goals in life. The four people I have chosen are Selena Quintanilla, Martin Luther King Jr., Malala Yousafzai, and Gabriela Mistral.

Short Bio

Selena Quintanilla

She was a Mexican-American singer and songwriter most famous in the genre of Tejano music, a mostly male dominant genre. She won many awards including a Grammy, making her the first female Latin-American artist to win it.

Martin Luther King Jr.

A baptist minister and civil rights activist for African Americans, who led several non-violent marches. His most famous speech is “I Have A Dream” which he gave at the Lincoln Memorial and was a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Malala Yousafzai

A advocate for girls educaion and children in Pakistan, who was once shot by the Taliban at 15 years old for speaking out against them. She was the youngest person to win the Nobel Peace Prize at the age of 17.

Gabriela Mistral

A Chilean author and adovcate for women, children, and education. She was most famous for her poetry and won the Nobel prize for literature. She also helped re-establish the education system in Mexico and Chile.