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My Favorite Foods

My favorite foods are: chicken fettacine, fruit, and Burritos. Of course I love more than these foods But these definatly have to be my top three. My family really likes when I make chicken fettacine because Im like an s-tier chef in the kitchen. So imma teach you how to make it the way I do.

First you obviosly wanna go shopping and pick up the ingredients that you need. For a family sized meal You will need:4-5 alfredo sauces (depends on how creamy you want it), Brocculli, two packs of fettacine noodles, and chicken breast. Of course you can adjust the recpe and add what ever you want but this is my site I do what ever I want MY site. Anyways,get the biggest pot in your house and boil some water for the pasta and then add them. while waiting for the water to boil, you then want to clean you chicken and cut it up into bite size pieces. Throw that in to a pot and season it. The sesoning I use are:garlic powder,garlic salt, pepper, and parsley. for the brocculli I usually just microwave because it taste the smae as when you boil it to me but hey everyone does things differently.After everything else is almost don cooking you wanna start to warm up the sauce.

Next dump the sauces into a pot and then fill each one up with water and put it in the pot again. as the sauce is warming Up I strain the noodles and start to layer all the cooked ingredients in a big container. The last thing I add is the sauce . Once eveything is layered I stir everything around to make sure evreything has sauce on it. And Boom you're done.

Just look at how yummy it looks. The next recipe is the BURRITOOOOOOOO. but i dont kow how to make it that good so yea.but you obviously need the ingredients:tortillas, meat of your choice,and veggies of your choice.Honestly its not hat hard to make you just chop everything up seasoni it, cook it , then assamble it. If you need help wiht that then I dont kno waht to tell you.