Aniya Palmer
People of Inspiration

About RDCworld1

RDCworld1 is made up from 5 people who come together to make skits and funny videos about real and fake situations. The original Members names are: Mark phillips, Leland Manigo, Dylan Patel, Desmond Johnson, and Affong Harris. Benjamin(Ben) Skinner and Johnathon(John) Newton Their most popular skits are their anime skits and relatable skits for black people. They first started making videos in 2011

Why RDCworld1

When I was younger I loved watching cartoons and I still do. One fo my favorite cartoons at the time was Avatar: The last Airbender. One day I was scrolling down my youtube feed and I saw a video called Avatar:the last hoodbender. Out of curiosity I clicked on it and it ended up being really funny and I have been watching them every since. Not many other yoututbers made funny gaming or anime skits.

My favorite series of skits they have is Anime House. I'd say my second series of skits are Game house. I admire them because they made what they love into a job that they love. If I can't have a job that I love to do I just hope I get a job that I don't hate to do.The name RDCworld stands for "Real Dreamers Change the World". They chose this name because thats what they really believe in. Now they have their own convention that they created, after being turned down or ignored by other conventions because they wouldn't "fit in" as they were told.