Nora Zamboanga

I have no idea what to write for this portion. Who has a favorite website? I certainly don't. I'll instead talk about a website that I happen to use a lot of then. So the video game developer Bungie has a website that is used to access a lot of features for their only (current) game Destiny 2. This website is used to link accounts, claim in-game rewards, and to connect to other users of the website. I like the website because it's really easy to navigate. Simply open the nav bar on the right hand side and see all the places where you can go. Need to access certain parts of your account? No problem, just look at the top icons to find what you need. The website has a clean look with easy to read colors and bright images that make it pop in the right places. The functionality of having everything at your finger tips with only a few icons that tell the user what they do is great. It's a simple website that fulfills the needs to the user and ensures they don't get lost in the sauce unlike their spaghetti code that they use for their games. I wouldn't change much about the website. The only thing I would chaneg would be to make the nav bar less cluttered with drop-down menus as those get tired fast.