My Hobbies

My hobbies are playing video games, drawing, riding my bike, listening to music, and hanging out with my friends. The video games I play the most are Fortnite, Marvel’s Spider Man 2, Minecraft, Grand Theft Auto V, and Call of Duty. I like to draw whatever comes to my mind. I mostly draw cartoon characters because I feel like drawing humans takes a little bit too much time with sketching and stuff. Plus it seems a little bit too challenging for me. But I think I can try to draw humans one day. I like to ride my bike because I find it relaxing and I think its great exercise for me. I have a small trail in my neighborhood that is about 4 miles on that I would ride my bike on every day during the summer. And I’ll sometimes ride to the library that is close to my house to pick up books. I listen to all types of music (but country. Just dont see anything good about it.) It varies from rap, old school, video game ost, and meme rap. I listen to music alot. I think it helps me focus more when I’m doing homework.