Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan has accomplished alot of things throughout his life. And all of them he worked really hard to achieve. He won the NBA rookie of the year award in 1984. He was the first player ever in the NBA to lead the league in both scoring and steals. He was able to lead the Chicago buls to three NBA titles from 1991 to 1993. He even stared in a Looney Tunes movie. Hewas able to do so much. All because he didn't give up and still kept going, no matter what.

Why he inspires me is because he worked so hard to get to where he is today. He was able to come so far that hes played 15 seasons in the NBA,and won 16 champoinships. His brither, Larry Jordan. Was his inspiration to play basketball. And its because of his brother that we all know who Michael Jordan is. He has done alot in his life and perserverred to get to where he is now. And that inspires me alot.